Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Peripheral artery disease

How widespread it is may still be under appreciated, although hundreds of millions of people worldwide are victims of his disease. Peripheral artery disease is alarmingly prevalent, and longer life expectancy along with evolving lifestyle (not necessarily for the better) seem to be exacerbating its rise. Its cardiovascular risk implications (it frequently lead to heart attacks and strokes) mean that there is a dire need to assess preventative measures and treatment.

The free, uninterrupted flow of oxygen-rich blood in our bodies is essential, and this is facilitated by our blood vessels, of which there are two main groups – arteries and veins. The former carry nutrients and oxygen to the cells, while the latter bring back cells metabolic by-products, toxins and carbon dioxide back to the heart for recycling.

Peripheral arteries are those that do not supply the heart and brain. They are, however, still extremely important. Disease of the arterial tree can range from short segment narrowing to full blown occlusion / blockage and can have devastating effects on the area where the artery is supposed to supply. These are mostly related to diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis (blockage), hyperlipidaemia (high blood cholesterol) or even trauma. Veins however have a different subset of condition ranging from the unsightly varicose veins on the lower limb to the painful, calf-bursting feeling of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and its subsequent effects.

“Atherosclerosis” or blockage by plaque (fat, cholesterol, calcium and other substances) of these blood vessels, results in a debilitating condition known as peripheral artery disease (PAD). While the heart often takes centre stage when it comes to atherosclerosis, blood vessels in other parts of the body, are equally important, and should be given adequate focus and attention.

Blood vessels are lined by endothelium, a thin layer of cells which maintains a toned and smooth interior for good blood flow. When the endothelium is compromised by causes such as high blood pressure, smoking or elevated blood cholesterol, atherosclerosis takes place with the formation of plaque on the arterial walls, thus obstructing blood flow. Left unremedies, ensuing plaque builds up, and over years, as arterial clogging worsens, so does resulting incapacitation of limbs and the pelvis area.

In some, recurring cramps and pain in the leg while exercising, otherwise known as intermittent claudication, may signify the beginning of problems. Conditions deteriorate as peripheral arteries continue to constrict, and the discomfort then spreads to the thighs, hips and buttocks. Other manifestations thereafter include perpetually cold and numb feet and toes, the thickening of nails, a bluish tint and shine to the skin, erectile dysfunction in the men, and the poor healing of sores. As PAD progresses, pain occurs even at rest, intense enough to disturb sleep.

Serious complications also result from PAD. Sores and injuries hich do not heal, may turn full-blown into gangrenous tissue and require the amputation of the affected limb. And atherosclerosis is not confined to just the peripheral blood vessels but happens as well in the arteries supplying the heart and the brain as well, eventually leading to a stroke or heart attack.


Often dismissed as simply a part of aging, the aforementioned signs and symptoms are actually serious indication to get screened by a medical professional. Do not wait for pain to occur before taking action. Preemptive screening is especially advisable for the aged, diabetics, smokers, the obese and those with hypertension, because of their vulnerability to PAD.

Potential patients are asked about their symptomatic experiences, as well as their personal and family history. During a physical examination to determine PAD, pulses in certain areas of the feet, legs and groin are inspected for weakness or even absence. Whooshing sounds over arteries heard with a stethoscope, ulcers where blood flow has become restricted, and lowered blood pressure in affected limbs, are all indicative too.

More advanced testing includes a Doppler (ultrasound) test, whereby high-frequency sound waves evaluate blood flow and where arteries may be blocked or narrowed. But for a more precise picture, an angiogram is carried out – arteries are injected with dye to clearly watch blood flow, and how restricted it gets in certain areas.

To complete the investigation, blood tests are included to measure blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels as well as to check for diabetes.


Lifestyle changes are a must for those at risk of PAD. First and foremost, it is never too late to quit smoking. Also, since “we are what we eat,” dietary discipline in the form of higher intake of fiber-rich foods like whole wheat, oatmeal, bran, brown rice, fruits and vegetables, is a major step in the right direction.

In addition, the reduction of salt, unhealthy fats and refined sugar in meals, will help treat or prevent related ailments like diabetes, high blood pressure, lipid problems and vascular disease. Physical activity three to four times a week keeps the blood flowing nicely. Brisk walking at least 20 minutes at a time, cycling and swimming are great options, but it is wise to first consult with a physician before starting any exercise programme.


Depending on the situation and severity, doctors will assess if it is necessary to resort to procedures like angioplasty, bypass surgery or thrombolytic therapy to treat PAD, and will advise their patients accordingly.

Angioplasty requires a tiny hollow tube (catheter) to be threaded through the artery to the affected location, when a small balloon on its tips inflates to reopen the constricted artery as well as flatten the blockage against the artery wall. Thus stretched, blood stream through unhindered. Further, a mesh framework (stent) may be added to ensure the artery stays open. Lately, thetr are balloons and stent coated with medication that prevent the endothelium from producing scar tissues that could lead to further blockage.

In bypass surgery, the doctor will graft a blood vessel from another part of the patient’s body (or a synthetic one) to allow blood to flow around, that is, to bypass the blocked or narrowed artery. There is also thrombolytic therapy which may be recommended for blood clots found blocking an artery, whereby there are injected with a drug to dissolve them in situ.